Learner Outcomes
We inspire children to love learning in an academically challenging and internationally aware program that promotes respect, responsibility, and independence. At Bowman we expect our students to possess the following traits, and we center our work around these traits from the first day to the last, so each child will discover, create, and become.
For more information on what these learner outcomes entail and how we develop these traits in our students, check out our Youtube series "Portrait of the Bowman Student."
We understand that parents want accurate and meaningful information about their child’s progress, strengths, and needs. In Bowman's Whole Child Report, each student’s progress is reported as the demonstrated level of performance on an identified standard rather than as a comparison to the progress of classmates. This type of reporting helps teachers, parents, and students focus on outcomes and beyond.
Whole Child Report
is the alignment of our interrelated Scope and Sequence, curriculum/instruction, and assessment. This alignment ensures that we teach to identified outcomes across the entire range of academic, enrichment, social, emotional, and study skills. Bowman'sScope and Sequence
describes the learning goals at each level for all subjects. Bowman'sCurriculum and Instruction
are aligned to ensure that we teach to these outcomes. Bowman'sOngoing Assessment
uses a wide range of methods to help staff measure each student’s progress and is holistically aligned to learner outcomes.